Studio Scum is a DIY collective consisting of writers, artists, photographers, performers, filmmakers and philosophers. Scum was formed in 2018 after several collaborations and conversations between a group of nine artists and writers.

No us and them mentality, no scene, no labels, no institutions, no good, no bad, just open, fludis action ad collective conversation. Using art within a collective, larger framework, no one is singular. No one is individual, but connected to a wider society and political context. Projects, practices shows - whatever you do, must be done on a DIY basis, made acessable and affordable. The focus is inclusivity.

Scum puts an emphasis on experimentalism, explicitness and the bizarre, as these forms aim to find meaning and expression outside of the unnatural power structures we find ourselves trapped within.

Scum title and welcome page illustrations by Klaudia Khalouf